LOL, awesome. more pics of alien hominid i hope.
Interesting blurb
Server spiller
Moms house
Joined on 4/23/00
LOL, awesome. more pics of alien hominid i hope.
holy shit I actually remember when he did that lmao
You aren't 16!
MC's a player eh?
Hey! What happen to those Luis Stickers? Sell any at Comic-Con?
I wasnt selling anything, i gave em away. I'm also mailing a bunch on monday.
the next buttons are good
omg, jabba the hut
That alien's black. I know it.
i can has stickra plz?
She's way out of his league.
I think I'm gonna vomit!
That picture gallery is a nerd convention.
Fucking hell.....SAAAY MISTERRRR...sup?
Which one are you?