WIll you ship to Brazil?
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Moms house
Joined on 4/23/00
WIll you ship to Brazil?
funky.. i dont think i can win them im level 11...
bass knuckles
guitar knuckles
drum kit knuckles
vocalist knuckles
Ahmah gawd, im gonna beat the shit out of someone with these :D
gdfsgdfg uses: FALCON PUNCH!!
Level 8, one-up.
kill your worst enemy!
Level 16, it's higher than 7, so I guess I'm qualified?
im level 10. gimme gimme gimme.
Girls can use brass knuckles too, right?
soap Brass knuckles?
How sweet is that, lol awesome my man. pure awesome.
knuckles! yay!
I know just the kid who I'd like to beat in the face, while also curing him of his horrendous acne. Nice cuticles btw.
I'll name my first born child (girl or boy) Luis if you give me those!
With those, I'll be able to clean up the scum that plagues my town!
why not... *gets some dollars* psst i think this is yours
Hi Luis :)