I don't know what to title my posts anymore, its not even close to midsummer.
Anyways, here's a few updates for you!
Newgrounds Summer Festival 2021 June 25 - 27
Kind of a fun virtual hang-out thingie to get you through the summer. It's organized by @stanpai I'll be popping in here and there, I can't guarantee my level of sobriety but I should be around for the community panel on Friday (9pm est).
I've teamed up with @snackers to throw together a short lil collab to explore the famous Akira bike slide. It's been referenced countless times in cartoons and other famous things so it seems like a fun easy going project to take a stab at it here on Newgrounds. There's a lively discord for it also, it's rare i share stuff I'm working on while I'm fixing it up, so I'm trying to get myself to get in the habit of doing that.
I'll probably get back into a game of some sort next month and get more serious about stuff.
bring back Newgrounds meetups after 5+ year hiatus during a global pandemic? You do you, Luis
im shooing away pandemic in 2022