I literally just got home, just wanted to say thanks to everyone that came out to show your support for the site. It was kind of a big gamble on Tom's part to step aside and see if we could pull it off this convention without him having to roll his sleeves up and I'm pretty happy to say that we held our own. I definately know that it could not have been made possible without the efforts of everyone behind the booth in particular. It's kind of a lame way of expressing thanks but you've all gained a HUGE amount of respect from me and im sure from newgrounds itself to not only getting yourself to New York but then making a proactive role in trying to make the NG booth as vibrant and exciting as the site itself.
I'll be throwing together a mini-site much like the Pico Day Art Contest thing that I did, I'll hopefully have that up by Wed., If you have any photos or would like to contribute any, please feel free to PM me .. in fact I highly encourage it.
Again, huge thanks to everyone that came out. We've set the tone and hopefully with repeated attempts the userbase will not only grow but become more vocal and proactive.
Thank you Tomamoto for your huge enthusiasm to fill in the cracks that we overlooked. Thank you Eric Black for working behind the scenes to even make the idea of the booth at this con even possible... Thank you Krinkels for making such a long trip over.. to The-Swain for being the face of NG's creative voice and spirit.... to Afro-Ninja for helping us out in prepping up the booth and handling all the book keeping... to Bob for prepping all the merch. at the office so all i literally had to do was pick it up. To EyeLovePoozy for 'making things happen' ... dont really need to explain it, we all already know what that means... you bailed us out of some close calls and you totally deserve kudos for it. Thanks to Tom and April for making the trip up and providing some street cred to the NG booth. Special thanks to everyone who helped us load shit up after the con was over, I'll do something more elaborate in regards to thanks later but i just wanted to just get that out there.
Last but not least thank you MindChamber, you were literally my partner in crime in this whole crazy idea, I'm extremely grateful for you knocking this out of the ballpark... and by that i not only mean this past weekend but waaaay before when it was just an idea.
Thank you everyone.. feel free to drop me a PM, i'll totally get back to you. See you at the next con.
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