Well its over and im finally back home. Thought i'd share my thoughts on the whole ordeal.
It was pretty cool.. there were pluses and some minuses and i think as ng continues to be a prescense those minuses will be moot.
The great thing about it this year was meeting everyone, it was quite cool to meet up with users you've only known by screename or flash movie... met all kinds of people, hashbrown, atomic-noodle, the-swain, the milburn brothers, the super flash bros, etc etc...
That part about it was beyond what i expected and it was almost surreal at one point and me and tom were sitting there saying how bizarre it is to survey our dinner table and you got krinkles gossiping with johnnyutah, you got tom of the superflashbros discussing actionscript with DrNeroCF, then you had dustball mingling with Rog, the-swain making impersonitations for Stamper, it was just reaaaaallly bizarre and kind of cool, i mentioned to tom look at what you built here, the amount of talent at this dinner table is mind blowing we should all mate and have this ginormous flash prodigy baby.
Even meeting people who arent household names was cool, its so awesome to have people from the actual clockcrew interogate me about my clockday movie last year.. its just really humbling and if anything i came back more interested and intruiged about people, id like to definately make it my effort to work with people i never thought of before, rtil, the-swain, drnero, etc.
If there was a negative to the experience its that the newgrounds booth is far from feeling like a real booth. The fliers they passed out were cool but it explained nothing about what the site was about, you had to be already associated to know oh ok thats blockhead yeah ng is about games and movies... i think the flier bombed as a form of getting new people intruiged by it. Furthermore the banner on the top of the booth had no newgrounds.com anywhere.. there werent controllers setup for people to stop and play some games .. or nothin. If you knew nothing about ng youd walk by and think it was a t-shirt company. I almost hope that ng can live in its own booth rather than share one with the behemoth.. they are different entities and it always felt like they stole the limelight.. annoying.
If i met you at the con, and i didnt already give you a shout out drop me a pm.. there were a few users whom i am not familiar with but i wanted to learn more about how they fit into ng.
willl post pics and videos later when im not so tired
That sounds like it was a lot of fun... and yeah, bizarre too. There's a chance I might be able to attend next year... hopefully the NG stand will reach your expectations by then.