obey giant.
Interesting blurb
Server spiller
Moms house
Joined on 4/23/00
Posted by Luis - November 15th, 2007
We had a meet earlier this year and my birthday is coming up so what better excuse to go across the pond than that... so the next uk meetup for 2008 is Jan 19th.
More info in this thread
Posted by Luis - November 13th, 2007
So this is just a small update on whats been going on over at that NG DIY Munny Comp that I'm hosting...
basically it was going slow for a few weeks becuase people were waiting for their orders to come in. This week seems like the week when everyone has been getting theirs and the project is really picking up some steam.
If you havent checked out the thread do so, it's kind of refreshing how everyone is like sharing tips and their experiences as they go along.
As for my own, well I decided to create mine as Tricky from madness.. still have a ways to go but the head is pretty much done. Will be making a little removeable mask and sign with the exclamation point on it later on.
Posted by Luis - October 23rd, 2007
Learn more about the project in its official thread
In a nutshell, NG and I have partnered to give prizes to the best 3 designs of a WZL - Blank
which are those little figurines you see below.
If you look at my past post you'll see something I came up with by painting a similar blank figurine.
To get the project going, i had sent out 15 Blanks, to various well known artists, and 5 Blanks are remaining in my possession to give away to the most promising concepts (see thread)
At the end of the compention (Nov 28) the best 3 Blanks will win some prizes..
For more info visit the thread.
Posted by Luis - October 9th, 2007
My most sincere thanks for voting that Sketchbook Tour thing for a monthly award!
I'm very humbled and its always an honor to get that extra recognition.
I've been debating a long time about what I'll do with that money, its not a terribly large amount but i never felt like it was 'mine' anyway, the tour is a success through the collective efforts of everyone who participated in it.. so originally i was going to buy everyone stickers and then i had some feedback that i should just stash that money for next years costs... and so i think i finally decided what i'm going to do...
I thought it was cool that ng changed its color scheme for that breast cancer awareness thing going on this month.. cancer is an especially sensitive subject right now for me cause one of my relatives was diagnosed last month and its like really sobering... anywho i decided that im gonna put half of the money into the next years tour and the other half im having donated to the american cancer society on behalf of newgrounds... its not a terribly large amount of money but i think its SOMETHING and it sort of is cool for ng to take credit for its humanitarian efforts sometime... we're not all fucked up demented artists... well most of us are but whatever dont ruin my moment LOL.